Study on Plight of Community Participation in Tourism Development and Improvement Strategies: Taking Mount Emei Scenic and Historic Area as an Example
摘要: 本文以四川省峨眉山风景名胜区为例,通过多次实地调研和利益相关者访谈,尝试梳理峨眉山风景名胜区内乡村社区参与旅游发展的历史过程与参与机制演变,剖析社区参与旅游发展所面临的困境。通过国内外相关理论与案例研究,结合最新的国土空间政策和乡村振兴政策,为社区参与旅游发展提供有用、好用、管用的策略,同时也为自然保护地治理提供有益经验。Abstract: Based on Mount Emei Scenic and Historic Area, through field investigation and stakeholders interviews, this paper attempts to research on the evolution and plight of local residents' participation in tourism. Through theory and case study, combined with the latest territorial spatial policy, this paper summarizes the effective strategy for residents' participation in tourism and useful experience for the governance of nature reserve area system.