
Thoughts on Modes and Strategies of Revitalizing Stock Collective Construction Land under the Background of Rural Revitalization

  • 摘要: 乡村振兴背景下,盘活农村存量集体建设用地是一项政策性强、涉及多元利益主体的复杂系统工程,具有激发乡村发展内生活力、缓解建设与保护压力、推进土地要素配置市场化的现实意义。本文基于土地要素生产的主导主体、整治方式和要素形态视角,梳理总结了市场化方式配置下存量集体建设用地盘活模式与适用条件,分析了影响盘活的主要因素,提出了促进存量盘活的基本策略。


    Abstract: Under the background of rural revitalization, revitalizing the stock of rural collective construction land is a complex system project with strong policy and involving multiple stakeholders. It has practical significance to stimulate the endogenous vitality of rural development, relieve the pressure of construction and protection, and promote the marketization of land element allocation. Based on the perspective of the main body, land consolidation modes and factor forms of land element production, this paper summarizes the modes and applicable conditions of stock collective construction land revitalization under the market-oriented configuration, analyzes the main factors affecting the revitalization, and puts forward the basic strategies to promote the revitalization of the stock.


