
Research on Urban-rural Integration Recognition Based on Elements: A Case Study of Nandajie, Yongchuan District, Chongqing

  • 摘要: 科学理解城乡融合发展状态,对于实现乡村振兴、建立良性的城乡关系有着重大作用。城乡融合的实质是城乡要素的融合,本文从资源禀赋、人口、经济、文化、生态、政治6个方面构建城乡融合水平评价指标体系,并对重庆市永川区南大街街道城乡融合程度加以识别,将南大街区分为高融合度区域(中心城区、小南村)、中融合度区域(大南村、代家店村、黄瓜山村)、低融合度区域(谭家坝村、八角寺村、兴隆村),并针对不同的城乡融合度区域提出未来发展方向。研究可为我国城乡融合发展与乡村转型发展的研究与实践提供借鉴。


    Abstract: Scientific understanding of the development status of urban-rural integration plays an important role in realizing urban-rural revitalization and establishing benign urban-rural relationship. The essence of urbanrural integration is the integration of urban and rural elements. This paper constructs an evaluation index system of urban-rural integration level from six elements of resource endowment, population, economy, culture, ecology, and politics, and identifies the urban-rural integration degree of Nandajie in Yongchuan District of Chongqing. Nandajie is divided into high integration area (central city, Xiaonan Village), medium integration area (Danan Village, Daijiadian Village, Cucumber Mountain Village), and low integration area (Tanjiaba Village, Bajiaosi Village, Xinglong Village), and the future development direction is proposed for different urban-rural integration areas. The research could provide reference for the research and practice of urban-rural integration development and rural transformation development in China.


