
Agricultural Technical Innovation Leading Rural Revitalization: A Case Study of Territorial Spatial Planning in Yukou Town, Pinggu District, Beijing

  • 摘要: 国土空间规划是国家空间发展的指南、可持续发展的空间蓝图,是各类开发保护建设活动的基本依据。乡镇国土空间规划是我国“五级三类”国土空间规划体系中的重要组成部分,也是促进乡村振兴、统筹生态保护修复的重要法定规划。全面推进乡村振兴、加快建设农业强国是社会主义现代化建设的重要任务,以科技创新为引领,推进农业现代化是实现向农业强国跨越的重要途径。针对北京市人多地少的市情农情特点,以农业科技创新为途径,提升农业生产效率和质量,是农业发展的核心诉求。本文以北京市平谷区峪口镇为例,以乡镇特色资源禀赋与区域发展机遇为核心竞争力,探索聚焦农业核心特色的绿色发展模式,科学评价严守底线促进生态产业化,融合生态技术与农业科技促进产业生态化,创新以农引领、以非建设空间保护利用为特色的国土空间规划编制思路,以期为其他地区乡镇国土空间规划编制提供思路。


    Abstract: National territorial spatial planning is the guidance and spatial blueprint for sustainable development as well as the basis for environment protection and construction activities. Township-level territorial spatial planning is an important component of national territorial spatial planning system and the vital statutory plan that promotes rural revitalization and ecological restoration. As an agricualtural country, China is committed to promoting rural development on agricultural science and technology innovation. Beijing is a large city with a massive population but limited lands, giving rise to a productive technology innovation will effectively improve agricultural production and efficiency. This paper gives a compilation practice of township-level territorial spatial planning of Yukou Town in Pinggu District in Beijing, which focuses on its agricultural characteristics. Enhancing ecological added value and encouraging green development, Yukou township territorial spatial planning explores a planning method leading by agricultural development and ecology protection. Scientificly evaluating and strictly adhering to the bottom line to promote ecological industrialization, integrating ecological technology and agricultural science and technology to promote industrial ecology, and innovating the land space planning ideas that are led by agriculture and characterized by the protection and utilization of non-construction space, in order to provide ideas for the territorial spatial planning of towns and villages in other regions.


