
Research on Rural Revitalization Driven by Agricultural Headquarters from a Network Perspective: A Case Study in Huangyan District, Zhejiang Province

  • 摘要: 研究立足我国较发达地区城乡要素双向对流的新时代背景,基于关联网络视角探讨了农业总部新型业态驱动下乡村“社会—空间”演变的新特征、趋势。具体以浙江省台州市黄岩区为例,在行动者网络理论(ANT)基础上创新了“社会—空间”网络分析方法,建立了当地西甜瓜农业总部作用下的跨区域城乡要素关联网络并剖析其对本地乡村空间发展的影响作用。研究发现,黄岩西甜瓜产业网络呈现内生驱动、外向输出的研发管理型总部特征;在本地形成生产种植网络服务中心,并通过要素回流作用影响本地城镇房地产和乡村商贸空间发展。此外,本文通过跨区域网络解析形成了有别于传统“在地视角”的乡村“社会—空间”研究方法,对新时代城乡融合语境下的乡村振兴规划建设及乡镇国土空间规划具有积极指引意义。


    Abstract: Based on the two-way flow of urban-rural factors in developed regions of China in the new era, this research explores new characteristics and trends of rural socio-spatial evolution driven by agricultural headquarters’ new business forms and models from the perspective of correlation networks. Taking the Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province as an example, the research innovates a socio-spatial network analysis method based on actor-network theory (ANT) and establishes a cross-regional urban-rural factor correlation network based on local watermelon agricultural headquarters, analyzing its impact on the local rural revitalization. The research reveals that the Huangyan melon industry network is characterised by 'endogenous drive and outward output' towards a research and management headquarters. It establishes a service center of the production and planting network locally and influences the development of local urban real estate and rural commercial space through backflow of development factors. In addition, this article formed a rural socio-spatial research method that is different from the traditional 'local perspective' through cross-regional network analysis, which has positive guiding significance for rural revitalization planning and construction and territorial spatial planning in rural areas in the context of urbanrural integration in the new era.


