
Study on the Conservation and Development of Shui Ethnic Village from the Perspective of Cultural Ecology: A Case Study of Buzhang Village in Yunnan

  • 摘要: 少数民族村落是由少数民族的独特文化、社会关系及其所处的生态环境相互作用的产物。新型城镇化背景下,少数民族村落受到现代文化的冲击和商业化的影响,面临文化特征弱化、社会关系变化和生态环境退化的挑战,其文化生态系统的整体性、有机性受损,成为少数民族村落保护与发展中亟待解决的问题。文章以云南补掌水族村为例,基于文化生态视角分析补掌村村落特征,探究其文化生态系统中“文化—社会—生态”的耦合关系及其对村落形成发展的影响作用,探讨文化生态系统整体理念下的水族村落保护与发展策略,为少数民族村落的可持续发展提供参考。


    Abstract: Ethnic minority villages are the result of the interaction between the unique culture, social relations of minority and the ecological environment. In the context of contemporary urbanization, minority villages have been affected by the impact of modern culture and commercialization, facing the challenges of weakening cultural characteristics, changing social relations, and deteriorating ecological environment. The integrity and organic nature of the cultural ecosystem has been damaged, which has become an urgent issue in the conservation and development of minority villages. From the perspective of cultural ecology, the paper analyzes the characteristics of Buzhang in Yunnan, a typical minority village, probes into the interaction of 'culture-society-ecology' and their influence on the spatial formation and development of the village. Furthermore, the conservation and development strategies of Buzhang Village are explored under the concept of cultural ecosystem. It is expected to provide references for the sustainable development of minority villages.


