
Exploration of the Whole-process Companion Village Planner Model: Taking Lishuya Village, Changde City, Hunan Province as an Example

  • 摘要: 在编制“多规合一”的实用性村庄规划要求下,湖南省在规划技术、方法、管理等方面做了大量的探索和实践,但目前仍存在规划编制模式“单一化”、思路“理想化”、内容“模板化”、成果“复杂化”、实施“难度大”和后期运营“不重视”等问题。本文以湖南省常德市桃源县梨树垭村村庄规划为例,探索规划师在村庄规划过程中承担村庄家底调查员、村民诉求协调员、美好蓝图描绘员、最美乡村宣传员、规划实施监督员和长效发展运维员的“陪伴式”村庄规划师模式,为新时期编制实用性村庄规划提供经验。


    Abstract: Under the requirement of compiling practical village planning that integrates multiple plans, Hunan Province has made considerable exploration and practice in terms of planning technology, methods, and management. However, there are still some issues such as the 'simplified' planning compilation model, 'idealized' planning ideas, 'templated' planning content, 'complicated' planning outcomes, 'challenging' implementation, and a 'lack of attention' to post-implementation operation. This article takes the village planning of Lishuya Village, Taoyuan County, Changde City, Hunan Province as an example to explore the village planner model, where planners function as village inventory investigators, villagers' demands coordinators, beautiful blueprint designers, advocators for the beautiful villages, planning implementation supervisors, and operators for long-term development maintenance, aiming to provide experience for compiling practical village planning in the new era.


