
Study on the Optimization and Management Strategies of County-scale Animal Husbandry Space: A Case Study of Zoige County

  • 摘要: 草地是畜牧业的生产基地和重要生态屏障,而普遍存在的草畜失衡问题是破坏草地生态系统的重要原因之一。在优化畜牧业生产空间布局的基础上实现畜牧业生产活动的精细化管控,对草地生态修复和实现草畜平衡至关重要。尽管以往学者在高原地区不同放牧制度与高原草地生态系统关系方面已取得了大量研究成果,但在空间规划领域对畜牧业生产空间布局优化及精细化管控的相关研究仍较少。基于此,本研究以青藏高原典型牧区县—四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州若尔盖县为例,通过草畜平衡状态评估及生态本底条件评估,建立畜牧业生产活动空间精细化分区方法,探索县域尺度下生态高度敏感的青藏高原牧区畜牧业生产空间布局优化与管控策略,以期弥补空间规划领域对畜牧业生产活动空间精细化规划布局及管控相关研究的不足,并为青藏高原牧区实现草畜平衡提供规划新思路。


    Abstract: Grasslands serve as both the production base for animal husbandry and an important ecological shelter as well, while the widespread imbalance between grass resources and livestock has become one of the major factors damaging the grassland ecosystem. Achieving precise regulation of animal husbandry activities on the basis of effective animal husbandry space planning is crucial for grassland ecological protection and grass-livestock balance. Although previous scholars have carried out extensive research on the relationship between different grazing systems and plateau grassland ecosystems, there are still limited research related to the optimization of spatial layout and refined management of animal husbandry production in the field of territorial space planning. Using Zoige County as a case study, this study tries to establish a refined zoning method for livestock production activities through grass-livestock balance measurement and ecological condition assessment, which explores the optimization and management strategy of livestock production space layout in the highly ecologically sensitive Qinghai-Tibet Pastoral Area at the county scale. This study aims to address the research gap in spatial fine planning layout and control of livestock production activities in the field of spatial planning, while providing new planning ideas for realizing the balance of grass and livestock in the pastoral areas of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


