
Evaluation and Countermeasure Research on Utilization Potential of Stock Construction Land: Taking Kaifeng City as an Example

  • 摘要: 存量建设用地盘活利用是助力城市高质量发展、推动土地资源要素优化配置、加快形成新质生产力的重要举措。文章基于河南省开封市存量建设用地核查成果,分析开封市存量建设用地目前存在的主要问题,结合该市区域经济和地理位置特征,进行存量建设用地盘活利用影响因素分析,利用熵值法和归一化加权累加法进行存量建设用地盘活利用潜力评价,构建了相对全面、普遍适用的市域存量建设用地盘活潜力评价模型。结果显示:该市9个县区盘活利用潜力值在59.96到81.65之间,其中通许县、尉氏县、祥符区存量建设用地可盘活利用潜力最大,在9个县区中处于一级潜力区;兰考县、龙亭区盘活利用潜力中等,处于二级潜力区;顺河回族区、鼓楼区、禹王台区、杞县存量建设用地盘活利用潜力较低,处于三级潜力区。基于评价结果和实地调研情况,对不同级别潜力区进行差异性盘活利用对策研究分析,为相关规划编制、开发区布局优化调整、用地挖潜计划制定、相关政策制度完善等提供数据支撑。


    Abstract: The revitalization and utilization of stock construction land serve as pivotal measures to propel high-quality urban development, foster the optimal allocation of land resource elements, and expedite the formation of new-quality productivity. Drawing upon the verification outcomes of stock construction land in Kaifeng City, Henan Province, this paper delves into the primary issues prevalent in its stock construction land. By integrating the city's regional economic and geographical attributes, the study analyzes the influencing factors of the revitalization and utilization of stock construction land. The entropy method and normalized weighted summation approach are employed to assess the potential for revitalizing and utilizing stock construction land, thereby establishing a relatively comprehensive and universally applicable evaluation model for assessing the utilization potential of urban stock land. The results reveal that the utilization potential values of the nine counties and districts within the city span from 59.96 to 81.65. Among them, Tongxu County, Weishi County, and Xiangfu District exhibit the highest utilization potential, positioning them in the first-level potential area among the nine counties and districts. Lankao County and Longting District possess medium utilization potential, situating them in the second-level potential area. Conversely, Shunhe Hui District, Gulou District, Yuwangtai District, and Qixian County demonstrate lower land utilization potential, categorizing them into the third-level potential area. Based on the evaluation results and field research, this paper undertakes research and analysis on differentiated countermeasures for the utilization of potential areas across various levels, providing data support for the formulation of pertinent plans, the optimization and adjustment of development zone layouts, the establishment of land potential exploitation plans, and the enhancement of related policies and systems.


