
Discussion on the Applicability of Land Compensation Standards for the Marketization of Commercial Collective Construction Land

  • 摘要: 明确集体经营性建设用地入市补偿标准与征地补偿标准的关系是平衡入市与征地制度关系、确保入市补偿不低于被征地农民补偿水平的基础。本文以征地补偿标准是否适用于集体经营性建设用地入市为切入点,系统阐述集体经营性建设用地入市补偿标准的必要性、与征地补偿标准的差异性,明确入市土地补偿标准的制定路径,提出建立入市土地补偿标准机制的相关政策建议。结论表明,征地补偿标准不能直接适用于集体经营性建设用地入市,两项标准在法定力度、制定主体、补偿对象上均有本质区别,政府和集体均具备制定入市土地补偿标准的主体资格,应借鉴征地补偿标准制度经验,建立内容完善、更新及时、管理规范的入市土地补偿标准机制。


    Abstract: Clarifying the relationship between the compensation standards for the marketization of commercial collective construction land and those for land expropriation is fundamental to balancing the relationship between these two systems and ensuring that the compensation received by farmers for the marketization of commercial collective construction land is no less than that for land expropriation. Taking the applicability of land expropriation compensation standards to the marketization of commercial collective construction land as the starting point, this paper systematically elaborates on the necessity of compensation standards for the marketization of commercial collective construction land and analyzes the differences between these standards and those for land expropriation. It also clarifies the formulation path for land compensation standards for marketization and proposes relevant policy recommendations for establishing a mechanism for these standards. The conclusions indicate that land expropriation compensation standards cannot be directly applied to the marketization of commercial collective construction land. These two standards are essentially different in terms of legal force, formulating entities, and compensated objects. Both the government and rural collectives possess the legal status to formulate land compensation standards for marketization. Therefore, it is advisable to draw on the experience of the land expropriation compensation standard system and establish a mechanism for land compensation standards for marketization that is comprehensive in content, timely in updates, and well-managed.


