
A Study on the Zoning of Traditional Villages Landscape Clusters in Southern Hunan

  • 摘要: 传统村落是我国传统文化的瑰宝,湘南地区自古便是战略要地,村落文化在此不断交融,对村落的景观群系进行分类分区研究有助于乡村振兴战略的实施和村落的连片式保护。鉴于此,以湘南地区203个国家级传统村落为研究样本,建立包括自然、文化、布局、建筑等方面的村落景观识别体系,采用K-modes聚类法对村落景观类型进行标识,并结合GIS空间统计方法,得到湘南传统村落文化景观分区。结果表明:1)湘南地区传统村落特色鲜明,可识别得到祁剧、香火龙、翘角山墙、瑶族社坛4种景观基因。2)湘南传统村落可分为5种景观分区,分别是北部多民族—湘语—平原村落景观区、东部汉族—赣语—平原村落景观区、东南部汉族—客家语—山地村落景观区、中部汉族—官土混合—丘陵村落景观区、西南部瑶族—官土混合—丘陵村落景观区。


    Abstract: Traditional villages are the treasures of China's traditional culture. The southern Hunan region has been a strategic location since ancient times, where village cultures have been constantly intermingled. Therefore, conducting a classification and zoning study of village landscape groups can aid in the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy and the continuous protection of villages. In view of this, 203 national-level traditional villages in southern Hunan are taken as research samples to establish a village landscape identification system encompassing nature, culture, layout, architecture, and other aspects. The K-modes clustering method is utilized to identify the village landscape types, and combined with GIS spatial statistics, the cultural landscape zoning of traditional villages in southern Hunan was obtained. The results indicate that: 1) The traditional villages in southern Hunan exhibit distinct characteristics, and four landscape genes can be identified, namely Qi opera, incense fire dragon, warped gable, and Yao community altar. 2) The traditional villages can be divided into five landscape subdivisions: the multiethnic Xiang-speaking plain village landscape area in the north, the Han-Gan-speaking plain village landscape area in the east, the Han-Hakka-speaking mountainous village landscape area in the southeast, the Han-Mandarinvernacular mixed-speaking hill village landscape area in the central part, and the Yao-Mandarin-vernacular mixedspeaking hill village landscape area in the southwest.


