Traditional villages, as precious heritages of the Chinese nation, embody rich regional cultural characteristics. Their unique spatial layout and morphology manifest a harmonious coexistence between the villages and the surrounding natural environment, and possess irreplaceable and non-renewable qualities. Public spaces play a central role in the villages, serving as the primary venues for villagers' daily production, living, and social interaction. They not only bear the function of maintaining emotional bonds among villagers, but also represent the concentrated embodiment of village vitality and life force. Under the background of the '14th Five-Year Plan' tourism development planning policy, the rapid development and intervention of tourism have led to issues such as the reconstruction of public spaces in traditional villages and the alienation of villagers' daily lives. This paper employs the space syntax segment model to explore the intrinsic correlation between spatial morphology and physical environment in Sanqiao Village, Turpan City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from the perspectives of integration, choice, and visual comprehensibility. Furthermore, based on the deviations identified in village spatial morphology and syntactic analysis, public space optimization strategies are proposed. This study aims to provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the protection planning and public space optimization of similar tourismoriented traditional villages.