
Research on the Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Village Landscape from the Perspective of Beautiful and Harmonious Countryside: A Case Study of Characteristic Conservation Villages in Lujiang County

  • 摘要: 基于和美乡村视角,本文从自然美、建筑美、人文美3类风貌管控要素出发,构建村庄风貌评价体系。以安徽省合肥市庐江县39个特色保护类村庄为评价样本,结合GIS空间分析方法,揭示县域尺度下村庄风貌的生境选择与评价因子的影响机制。结果表明:1)庐江县特色保护类村庄的自然与人文得分在空间分布上呈正相关,而建筑评价得分则接近随机分布。高评价分值村庄对周边村庄有显著影响,人文要素在高评价分值村庄中对得分的影响更为显著。2)从影响因素来看,村庄风貌评价分值受到地形地貌、道路水系、土地人口及文化资源等自然与人文因子的综合影响,村庄多分布于低海拔、缓斜坡和水资源相对丰富的区域。3)在和美乡村建设中,自然美是基础,建筑美是载体,人文美则是乡村美学的重要体现。乡村风貌应依托于乡土文化呈现出“和”与“美”,保护和利用地方特色资源,提高地方文化吸引力。研究结果为和美乡村风貌建设提供了科学依据,并为相关课题研究提供了参考。


    Abstract: From the perspective of a Beautiful and Harmonious Countryside, this paper constructs an evaluation system for village landscape based on three key landscape control elements: natural beauty, architectural beauty, and cultural beauty. Using 39 characteristic conservation villages in Lujiang County, Hefei City, Anhui Province as evaluation samples, the method of GIS spatial analysis is applied to reveal habitat selection patterns and the impact mechanisms of evaluation factors within the county level. The results indicate the following: 1) There is a positive spatial correlation between natural and cultural scores among the conservation villages in Lujiang County, while architectural scores exhibit a near-random distribution. Villages with high scores have a significant influence on nearby villages, with cultural factors playing a more critical role in obtaining higher ratings. 2) In terms of influencing factors, village landscape evaluation scores are determined by a combination of natural and cultural factors, including topography, road and water networks, land use, population, and cultural resources. Villages predominantly locate in areas with low elevation, gentle slopes, and relatively abundant water resources. 3) In the construction of a Beautiful and Harmonious Countryside, natural beauty serves as the foundation, architectural beauty as the medium, and cultural beauty as an essential manifestation of rural aesthetics. Village landscapes should reflect 'harmony' and 'beauty' by integrating local cultural resources, thus enhancing the appeal of local culture. The findings provide scientific support for the construction of Beautiful and Harmonious Countryside and offer valuable insights for related research.


