
A Review of Villages and Towns' Spatial Morphometric Measurement Analysis with Mathematical and Statistical Methods

  • 摘要: 村镇空间形态是村镇实体功能的表现形式与支撑平台,对其发展特征、水平、质量等重要内容进行科学、精确的度量,既有助于分析未来空间演变趋势,又利于精细化、系统化测度人居环境发展水平。首先,明确不同学科视野下村镇空间基本概念,借助CiteSpace梳理近年研究热点,发现研究可分为3个阶段,热点领域逐步扩展。其次,以研究对象为基准,将研究划分为形态特征、结构特征和街巷描述3个范围,分别梳理研究方法与相应特征指标;对比数理分析模型,展望参数化建模发展。最后,形成各学科交叉视野下村镇空间量化研究理论框架;指出当前研究方法根据先进性及适用性分化,根据研究对象的自身特点演变出相应针对性研究方法;提出数理统计分析以量化建模中回归分析为核心,参数化建模局限性仍较大;展望可构建随学科视野迁移的动态概念体系,形成普适性理论框架与技术体系。


    Abstract: The spatial form of village and town is the manifestation and support platform of the physical function of village and town, and a scientific and precise measurement of its development characteristics, level, quality, and other important contents will help analyzing the future spatial evolution trend and facilitate the fine and systematic measurement of the development level of human living environment. Firstly, this paper clarifys the basic concepts of village space in different disciplines. Combing through the research hotspots in recent years with the help of CiteSpace, it finds that the research can be divided into three stages and the hotspot areas are gradually expanded. Secondly, taking the research object as the benchmark, the research is divided into three scopes: morphological characteristics, structural characteristics, and street description, where the research methods and corresponding characteristic indexes are sorted out respectively. Then the mathematical and rational analysis models are compared, and the development of parametric modeling is foreseen. Finally, the theoretical framework of quantitative spatial research on villages and towns under the intersection of various disciplines is formed. The concept of dynamic system can be built to form a universal theoretical framework and technical system.


